How To Fix The Most Common Shoulder Problem - Functional Advantage
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How To Fix The Most Common Shoulder Problem

If you’ve been battling shoulder problems for weeks (or months), praying that it will just go away on it's own, or you’re sick of being told to rest and take pain medication…

And you’re fed up with those agonizing shooting pains whenever you are trying to lift things, playing with you kids or the grandchildren or exercising.

This blog is for YOU!

In clinic, the most common shoulder problem would be a rotator cuff injury. These injuries are usually caused by trauma incidents such as a road traffic accident or a fall.

Another common cause due to the increase of people working from home who have sat in a slouched position for so long or in a job (like teaching) where you are constantly lifting your arm up and writing. This places repetitive strain on the muscles and tendons within the shoulder region.

Do I Have A Rotator Cuff Injury?

If you have shoulder pain, and you think it could be related to a rotator cuff injury, the most common symptoms are if the pain occurs when the arm is raised above shoulder height (either in front of you, or to the side).

Another time that a rotator cuff injury will create pain is if you are reaching behind you. 

Discomfort can also be felt when pouring something or raising your arm to the side of your body when getting dressed.

These shoulder positions will be painful as the tendons in the shoulder are being pinched by the joint, and this causes discomfort, and could lead to fraying or tearing of the musculature of the shoulder joint.

Other symptoms could be difficulty moving, weakness in the shoulder, and an increasing pain when laying on the affected shoulder.

A Natural Way To Ease Shoulder Pain

A lot of patients want to ease shoulder pain WITHOUT painkillers because they are concerned about the impact of strong painkillers on their health.

Using an ice pack (or a bag of frozen vegetables) is an effective, and natural way to ease shoulder pain.

If you try this, make sure to wrap the ice pack in a towel so it’s not in direct contact with your skin.

You can do this for up to 15 minutes at a time, and it can be done several times a day. A good rule of thumb is to allow the area to warm up and return to normal temperature before applying another ice pack.

More Natural Ways To End Shoulder Pain

We also have a variety of other natural ways to end shoulder pain available to you, for FREE, which you can access online, or by visiting our clinic.

Free Shoulder Pain Report

Get your copy of our free shoulder pain report written Neil Sauer, DPT which explains:

"7 Easy Ways To Reduced Your Shoulder Pain"...

Click here to go to our shoulder pain page, scroll down to the bottom of the page, fill out a short form and receive your FREE copy! 

Free "Discovery Visit"

If you’ve been suffering with niggling shoulder pain for weeks, or even months, and things are getting worse – it probably not going to fix itself is it?

We have worked with hundreds of patients with shoulder problems who can’t pick up their kids or grandchildren, struggle to drive without pain, and get agonizing aches while doing they’re doing jobs or work around the house.

Now, those patients can move freely, don’t need to rely on painkillers and can easily do their day-to-day activities.

In this FREE consultation called a "Discovery Visit", you will get expert advice about the worry and frustration of your life-changing aches and pains – for FREE, in 20 minutes.

To discover how you can FINALLY fix your shoulder problems…

Arrange a free Discovery Visit by calling us on 989-575-1659 or click the link below:

Click Here To Arrange Your Discovery Visit Consultation

Listen To The Stories Of Patients Who Were Dealing With Shoulder Pain, Just Like You...

Watch the videos below to hear from two of our past patients who were dealing with agonizing shoulder pain and left therapy being able to perform their everyday activities with no more pain! 

Neil Sauer

Neil Sauer

Physical Therapist, Certified Health Coach and company owner Neil Sauer graduated from Saginaw Valley State University in 2002 with a Bachelor of Science. During that time he played four years of collegiate soccer. Neil earned a Doctor of Physical Therapy from Central Michigan University in 2006. He has taken continuing education courses for Stanley Paris manual therapy techniques and a Gary Gray Functional Training course. He has also taken selective functional movement assessment courses with the North American Sports Medical Institute (NASMI). Neil’s treatment philosophy goes beyond reducing pain and restoring motion/mobility. He has a passion for health and wellness and for improving the quality of life of his clients, and works holistically with them to ensure their injuries do not reoccur and that his clients enjoy optimal functionality. He strives to help his patients live more active, mobile and healthy lives knowing that they don’t have to rely on pain medications, injections or surgery. In his personal life, he is married and has two sons. During spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family, fishing, spending time outdoors and leading an active and healthy life. Neil also likes to read as much as possible when he finds/makes time. He primarily reads books on leadership, business and special forces. An avid exercise enthusiast, he continually works to improve his own health and wellness.
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