September is Healthy Aging Month! In order to stay healthy as you get older, there are a number of ways you can adopt healthy habits to keep you feeling young!
Whether you're getting closer to retirement and will have more time to stay active or you want to keep up with your grandkids, it's always important to keep in mind these tips that'll help you age safely and healthy.
Living a Healthy Lifestyle. Staying active is one way to create and keep healthy habits as you age. Incorporating physical activity and exercise can improve overall health and help you feel better. Choosing healthier foods can also be important to keep your mind sharp and your body functioning. Choose a salad instead of French fries for your next meal!
Staying Connected to your Community. Being aware of events and resources in your community can keep you connected and involved with others. Resources for transportation and events can keep you independent and engaged with others in your area!
Click here to get ideas for activities you could do in the tri-city area!
Brain Health and Mental Health. Your brain changes as you get older. If you find that things slip your mind sometimes, keep your mind young with memory games or puzzles. There are lots of resources online that can help keep your brain functioning! Keeping a balanced diet can also keep your brain healthy.
Conditions and Injuries to be Aware of:
Arthritis. This condition is one of the most common in the United States and knowing how to live with it can be helpful. Keeping joints moving, using good posture, and knowing your limits when it comes to activity can be beneficial for those with arthritis.
Diabetes. This disease can lead to other health issues later in life. Some measures can be taken to prevent and control these issues from becoming worse. These include living a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise.
Vision and Hearing Loss. Vision and hearing problems may become an issue as you age. Combat low vision by adding brighter lights in your home, using appliances with larger print, and using darker colors on lighter background to help you see. Hearing loss can also occur and can be helped by positioning yourself where it is quieter in order to hear whoever you are talking to.
Fall Prevention. Falls are common in the older population and they can lead to injuries. Doing strength and balance exercises can help reduce the risk of dangerous falls by improving balance. You can also benefit by making your home environment safer. Getting rid of trip hazards, adding grab bars in your bathroom or railings by stairs, or making your home brighter with lightbulbs can all help to reduce the risk of falls. To get a complimentary falls risk assessment, give us a call at 989-573-8588!
Making healthy habits can help with healthy aging. Since September is Healthy Aging Month, share this post with someone you know to keep them (or yourself!) feeling young.