"I Didn't Know PT Could Treat That!" - Functional Advantage
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“I Didn’t Know PT Could Treat That!”

October is National Physical Therapy Month, so what better time to talk about the conditions that our therapists treat that you may not be aware of.

Here at Functional Advantage we see patients for a variety of different reasons. Some issues people don’t even know physical therapy could help with. I’m sure you are aware of the common conditions such as low back pain, knee pain or shoulder pain, but did you know that our therapists can treat conditions like Vertigo, TMJ, Headaches, and MORE! Here is a list of conditions that many of our patients are surprised to hear we can successfully treat:


People who have weakness in the muscles of their hips, knees, or ankles can experience difficulty walking and balance-related issues. We commonly hear from patients that their “legs are wobbly”, or that “they thought falling was a normal part of aging” but these statements are not normal and we can help keep you safe. A physical therapist can work on these problems with exercises to strengthen these areas and improve balance. Better balance leads to less falls and more confidence.

"I lost my confidence in walking and going places and didn't feel like I had quality of life. There was a lot of fear of falling, which would create more injuries. I thought I had to go to the doctor, get a referral and go through all their testing. I came here just to explore it and see your balance program and then you guys did all the work for me. Now I can do everything I want to do."

-Diane L. 70's from Saginaw


Almost everyone has experienced a headache in their life. For those who live with chronic headaches, it can be a debilitating condition. Some headaches can keep people at home, unable to work or do daily tasks. Physical therapists can perform manual therapy or massage as well as teach exercises for the neck that help get rid of headaches so you don’t have to worry about a headache disrupting your day.

Jaw Pain/TMJ

People don’t necessarily think of their jaw as something that physical therapy can help, but for those affected by jaw pain, this can be an unhappy experience. Simple tasks like eating or talking can turn into a painful experience. Physical therapists can teach certain exercises and stretches to help reduce jaw pain, popping, and locking so you don’t have to worry about jaw pain sneaking up on you.


Vertigo is the sensation that you, or the room you’re in, is spinning. This can be caused by rolling over in bed, headaches, or ear infections, and physical therapy can be helpful in getting rid of vertigo. Vertigo can also be dangerous and can lead to a fall that could cause a debilitating injury.

"Dizziness... I'd had it for a long time. Sometimes I'd make sure somebody was behind me so that I could grab onto them. I would notice that when I turned over in bed a certain way the room would be spinning and it was really bad when I would sit up from a laying down position. Now the dizziness is gone and you know, it's actually made my life so much better. So much better."

-Deb B. 50's from Freeland, MI 

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Urinary Incontinence

Physical therapy for pelvic floor dysfunction is not a well-known topic. The pelvic floor consists of muscles and tissues below the pelvis that support the core from below, also called the “saddle region.” When these muscles and tissues become tight or weak, physical therapists can evaluate and treat this area. You may also notice nagging back pain or hip pain that is related to these muscles.

If you or someone you know is struggling with one of the conditions on this list, you are not alone. We have seen patients at our clinic for all of the above conditions and can help you too!

Click here to fill out a short form and request a free consultation “Discovery Visit” or click here to contact us and set up and appointment.

Neil Sauer

Neil Sauer

Physical Therapist, Certified Health Coach and company owner Neil Sauer graduated from Saginaw Valley State University in 2002 with a Bachelor of Science. During that time he played four years of collegiate soccer. Neil earned a Doctor of Physical Therapy from Central Michigan University in 2006. He has taken continuing education courses for Stanley Paris manual therapy techniques and a Gary Gray Functional Training course. He has also taken selective functional movement assessment courses with the North American Sports Medical Institute (NASMI). Neil’s treatment philosophy goes beyond reducing pain and restoring motion/mobility. He has a passion for health and wellness and for improving the quality of life of his clients, and works holistically with them to ensure their injuries do not reoccur and that his clients enjoy optimal functionality. He strives to help his patients live more active, mobile and healthy lives knowing that they don’t have to rely on pain medications, injections or surgery. In his personal life, he is married and has two sons. During spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family, fishing, spending time outdoors and leading an active and healthy life. Neil also likes to read as much as possible when he finds/makes time. He primarily reads books on leadership, business and special forces. An avid exercise enthusiast, he continually works to improve his own health and wellness.
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