Have your joints started to feel stiff since the cold weather has started? You may have noticed clicks and cracks coming from your joints and you can't put your finger on why it is happening to you. This time of the year, joint pain is one of the most common things we see and treat here at Functional Advantage Physical Therapy. It may not be painful at first but as time goes on your joints start to ache a bit more and it starts to become more and more painful. Some common things we hear is that walking around shops or getting back up after relaxing in your favorite chair can cause aches and stiffness in joints. Even getting in and out of your car may become more difficult. So why does this happen during the winter? One reason why you may be experiencing these aches and pains is that cold weather naturally restricts the warmth of the blood that flows around your body, which helps keep you warm and mobile.
Another common reason is the fact that we are less likely to stay as active during the winter months than we were during the warmer months. The less active you are in the winter the more likely your joints are going to stiffen up.
Some ideas to stay active inside include attending an exercise class, going to the gym, or walking at the mall. Whatever you chose to do, make sure to stay mobile and active every day to loosen up those joints that have been giving you issues.