Low Back Pain And Sciatica Course
1 Hour Course On How To Live Free From Back Pain Or Sciatica To Be Able To Enjoy Life To The Fullest And Feel Ten Years Younger With More Energy
Saturday, Feb. 13th 10 am - 11 am
Would You Like to Attend Our Low Back Pain Event ?...
1 Hour Course On How To Live Free From Back Pain Or Sciatica To Be Able To Enjoy Life To The Fullest And Feel Ten Years Younger With More Energy!
Do you ever wish you could find out more about what’s going on with your low back before you commit to any treatment?
Do you ever wish you knew more about the WHY- why it happened or is happening to me, WHY it returns and most importantly learn valuable information and discover things you can do to ease your low back pain or sciatica immediately? If so, our 1 hour course on how to…
…is perfect for you!
We cover a wide variety of issues from posture to sciatica, to tips for easing your low back pain while doing yardwork/housework. Our speaker will be our very own back pain specialist and physical therapist, Kelly Szaroletta.
If you would like to attend our 1 hour low back pain and sciatica course that is held at Functional Advantage, please click the button below and fill out the short form so we can reserve your spot.
If you know of anyone who is suffering from low back pain or sciatica, or who would like to know more, we also extend our invite and would love to see them come along so that they too can gain some clarity and direction to making a better more informed decision about their health.